CAS TrainingCurso Architecting with Google Compute EngineMódulo 1: Introduction to Google Cloud List the different ways of interacting with Google Cloud Use the Cloud Console and Cloud Shell Create Cloud St...... Madrid - Semipr.Convocatoria Continua21 HorasConsultar+info gratis
CAS TrainingCurso Getting Started with Google Kubernetes EngineModulo 1: Introduction to Google Cloud Use the Google Cloud Console Use Cloud Shell Define Cloud Computing Identify Google Cloud compute services U...... Madrid - Semipr.Convocatoria Continua7 HorasConsultar+info gratis
CAS TrainingCurso Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals...entals course and provides an overview of the course structure and goals. Módulo 1: Big Data and Machine Learning on Google Cloud This section explores the key components of Google Cloud´s infrastructure. We introduce many of the big data and...... Madrid - Semipr.Convocatoria Continua7 HorasConsultar+info gratis
CAS TrainingCurso Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core InfrastructureMódulo 1: Introducing Google Cloud Identify the advantages of Google Cloud. Define the components of Google´s network infrastructure, including: P...... Madrid - Semipr.Convocatoria Continua7 HorasConsultar+info gratis
CAS TrainingCurso Machine Learning on Google CloudCurso 1: How Google Does Machine Learning Describe the Vertex AI Platform and how it is used to quickly build, train, and deploy AutoML ma...... Madrid - Semipr.Convocatoria Continua35 HorasConsultar+info gratis
Universidad Europea - UECurso Universitario en Google for EducationMi mochila digital con Google La vida en la nube. Drive: Tu penDrive en la nube. “Ok Google” Tu Perfil de Chrome Gmail y Google Drive Colaborar...... OnlineConvocatoria Continua100 HorasConsultar+info gratis
NETT Digital SchoolCurso de Google AdsFundamentos de la publicidad online y Google Ads, conceptos importantes: Aprende a captar tráfico constante en un proyecto dígital. Redes, objetivos, tipos de ca...... OnlineConsultar16 Horas160 €+info gratis
Visión y Valor ConsultingCurso de Ofimática en la Nube: Google Drive Avanzado1. ¿Qué es Google Drive? Introducción: trabajar en la nube Por qué Google Drive Punto de partida: crear una cuenta en Google Apli...... OnlineConsultar72 Horas450 €+info gratis